“I am learning to see. I don't know why it is, but everything enters me more deeply and doesn't stop where it once used to. I have an interior that I never knew of…”
Artist Statement My creative impulses stem from the need to explore the vast spectrum of what it means to be human,—focusing on the elemental, instinctive, and essential facets of existence that unite us.
The wonder of the natural world influences and inspires this process by reminding me that we are all "a part of." The work's content ranges from the astral to the anatomical - refracted light, abstracted sky-scapes, symbols, and animal totems are all sources of inspiration. The context of all this imagery is inquiry—a striving to translate the universal experience into color and form.
Our search for beauty originates from our desire to live, to not only survive but thrive. I have spent the last decade exploring the intersections of different mediums in search of the visceral's visual voice—the impulses and intuitions of the body a road map for this inquiry.
My base chosen mediums are acrylic, watercolor, and tempera. Their interaction creates a living and flowing effect. This sense of movement and pulse in the work resonates like a heartbeat.
I have most recently explored painting as a ritual. Using tempera paint and moving from the internal sensations of the body excavates raw experience onto the canvas. My body becomes the painting tool, bypassing the intellectual and cerebral processes. This intuitive process reveals imagery from an internal landscape that then translates to the world of symbols.
Aritst CV
Performance Art 2019-2018 “Last Life” Edinburgh Fringe Festival, UK Loft 29, NYC
2012 “Sometimes at Night” Actors Space Berlin, Germany
Group Exhibitions
2019 LIC Arts Open at The Factory - Fall Salon, NYC
Bibliography “Last Life” The Skinny - Chris Dobson Fringe Review - Tim Marriott “Stadt Elegies” Vienna.AT - Silvias Montagskolumne “Wild Horses” Sag Harbor Express - Kathryn G. Menu